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The Advantages Of Advanced Fuel Filtration

Clean diesel fuel helps the performance and durability of modern diesel engines. Inorganic particles in diesel fuel can cause abrasive wear to the injection fuel system and piston rings. Over time, high levels of particulates in diesel fuel, and poor storage and handling practices can result in costly repairs and engine downtime due to injector wear. In this article, we take a look at the advanced filtered fuel offered to certain clients who operate High Pressure, Common Rail Fuel Systems (HPCR) which demand a certain level of fuel quality. 

The Advantages Of Advanced Fuel Filtration

Covered in this article:

Understanding ISO cleanliness codes
Advanced fuel filtration with Astron Energy
Delivering quality fuels

Understanding ISO cleanliness codes

Diesel fuel cleanliness levels using the ISO 4406 method were officially documented as a global standard in 1998 with the development of the Worldwide Fuels Charter (WWFC). 

Since being introduced to the global market, ISO 4406 has established a minimum cleanliness level for each diesel fuel. The Advantages Of Advanced Fuel Filtration

The numbers in the ISO 4406 cleanliness code are used as the industry standard to measure contamination in various liquids, including fuel.

Since contaminants vary by source and in size, the ISO cleanliness standard specifies measuring the size of particles in microns.

To make contamination levels easier to analyse, a 100ml fluid sample is taken for testing. The cleanliness code measures the number of particles larger than 4µm, 6µm, and 14µm within the 100ml fluid sample.

The ISO system uses a series of three particle size categories to identify the approximate number of microscopic contaminants present per millilitre of diesel fuel. With a significant reduction in microscopic contamination to ISO 16/14/11, Astron Energy fuel is specifically designed to meet the increasing customer demand for cleaner fuels that help modern diesel engines perform at their best. 

Advanced fuel filtration with Astron Energy

Over recent years, diesel engines have evolved technologically in order to meet strict emissions regulations, provide better fuel efficiency and deliver more excellent reliability.

This progression in technology has been possible through the use of High Pressure, Common Rail (HPCR) fuel systems. HPCR fuel systems operate at increased injection pressures, with much tighter clearances between moving parts calling for a much higher filtered fuel which Astron Energy provides to certain clients. 

The benefits of fuel filtration include: 

  • Improved engine efficiency and cleanliness.
  • Extended fuel system life span through less wear on injectors and pumps. 
  • Reduced maintenance and operational costs through fewer fuel filter changes and prolonged component life.
  • Reduced machine downtime through a reduction in wear on injectors and pumps.

Astron Energy has made a significant investment in high-tech filtration technology at a number of inland fuel terminals where HPCR fuel systems are used. This means that the diesel supplied out of these terminals is filtered to exceed cleanliness levels recommended by the Worldwide Fuel Charter ISO 18/16/13. 

The Advantages Of Advanced Fuel Filtration

Delivering quality fuels

Fuel filtration is a limited, premium offering within Astron Energy’s customer solutions portfolio. Speak to a consultant regarding your fuel filtration requirements. We pride ourselves in providing diesel that enables industries to go further, operate reliably, and reduce maintenance costs.