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Four lubrication tips to extend diesel engine life

Known as the workhorses of the engine world, diesel engines are rugged, economical, and reliable. Over the years, these engines have advanced to include many unparalleled mechanical advantages and – cared for properly – they’ll guarantee a full, long service life.


Regular engine oil and filter changes ensure a peak-performing diesel engine. Diesel engines operate at higher temperatures than their petrol cousins, creating the need for regular oil changes and quality assessments. 

An essential part of a vehicle maintenance strategy is a consistent, well-executed reliability-centred lubrication routine. Consistently applying the following four practices will ensure you get the most out of your diesel engine.

  1. Choose the correct oil -– select a high-performance lubricant based on the engine’s OEM specification and operating conditions. Don’t decide based on lowest price. Consult with the OEM and your lubricants supplier to help you make the right decision.
  2. Change the engine oil based on OEM specified drain interval diesel engines generate soot, acidic combustion blow-by and aresubjected to high temperatureand oxidation. Extending drain intervals beyond OEM specified drain interval could have detrimental effects on the engine and void any OEM warrantee
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  3.  Analyse used engine oil each serviceOil analysis assesses the condition of the used engine oil and detects internal and external contamination or conditions within your engine that could cause premature wear and downtime. Oil analysis can detect external dirt entry from faulty/or badly fitted filters, fuel dilution from a faulty fuel system or traces of coolant that have leaked into the engine. Consider oil analysis as a cost effective early warning system. The analysis also can estimate the oil's remaining useful life, and can support the optimisation of drain/service intervals (within OEM parameters).
  4. Ensure correct engine oil level at all timesengine oil is the life-blood of an engine and low engine oil levels could potentially damage the engine if not raised by top-up when required, during regular checks.

Keep your oil clean

It’s also important to filter the oil properly before putting it into the engine and then maintain it in this condition while in service. Use only high-quality filters. The same applies to air filters to ensure the air entering the combustion chamber is also clean.  

Maintaining a clean and robust engine is not just responsible ownership – small, simple steps to assess your engines health will save you time and money in the long run. The equation isn’t complicated either; if you take care of your diesel engine, it will take care of you.

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